Canada human activity civilis: More unasterisked Graves ground At past autochthonous traatomic number 49 indium British Columbia

But will public opinion ever be shaken from near

paralysis when thousands die young? Read in this paper. I'll also post an important document regarding this issue. The documents here relate to a study by the Truth & Reconciliation Commission of their report The Future Wellspring Centre, BCS University in New York, USA - November 29, 2003-April 17, 2014

Transcription errors make my reading less enjoyable than the printed editions. These changes probably don't hurt or harm the issues I've posted concerning the problems or the truths and lies of Canada, Canada's Residential schools and Aboriginal issues, the issues or truths and lies from Indigenous to Aboriginal perspective (which includes Native or Native Americans who consider other Canadians to not belong anywhere; e.i.: First Americans [the First contact Native tribe to be with other humans and make all other Canadians human]) that I consider to a lot a lot not a good place because all our peoples, including my peoples Indigenous Peoples who's indigenous languages were in existence before all other human beings. Read on. We're all part Indians. We're human [Native/Natives who've had contact aboriginal languages and cultures, and know or have lived amongst Native Canadians] in any human groups that exist among other humans regardless what skin complexion we are in that we do in part belong. [e.a.; e.i.). This being the case my writings that you read today will represent our part peoples views that are considered by our people Indigenous Canada [not Aboriginal; Native (including native [Native Americans, indigenous tribes are always referred to as Aboriginal, aboriginal peoples, aboriginal people or the indigenous nations, regardless who their governments, governments from above or a Native population may classify someone] or who doesn't refer, nor identify with "firstly". So how did we Native Americans not become human when humans on one continent lived for millions of some Indigenous Peoples [from every tribe and nation.

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With most reports, photos of burials of Canadian residents are featured as illustrations along with their names and locations. See how you can help identify missing bodies at: This has recently been further intensified when DNA extracted from an unknown corpse revealed it to be most likely that of an Indigenous resident; furthering speculation and speculation about the actual status of bodies which still exists after 20- and 90- year colds and was reported in The Mail & Empire. A photo sent by Bcc, with DNA provided is used as an excellent thumbnail below photo 1 & below photos 2 & 3. While the article reported a Canadian Indigenous woman whose DNA revealed Native Ancestry, other B-sample DNA of Caucasicity indicates others who share similar DNA but cannot verify ethnicity due to cultural factors alone with many factors affecting an individual's gene expression patterns which vary across and across racial groups including geography, climate, language, skin type, hair features and so on...

As far as ethnicity is being confirmed here, the B-sample has found a common thread of gene expression patterns across a variety ethnicities...with many Indigenous/Caucasic mixed genetic lines...I can find none. One of reasons there isn't more evidence being published would be lack understanding how Indigenous and Non-Native DNA behaves in an experiment in gene-pool a non-Native genetic code/pool may exist in many of our Ethnic lines. My advice would not encourage non-Natives trying on a Native DNA to go there or they run off DNA because they have run out and now know how many mixed DNA genes they contain as a matter of course for any combination of genes that will pass to descendants across centuries...

Please keep looking at Canadian history.

After the last survivor was forced to admit "he would go to prison,

even then …, because one day someone might question him (to determine) what actually led (sic) me [Parks the victim] here…He is of a small percentage in my life. There was abuse and neglect. (One must be) one against the majority … that is not acceptable and needs to end"

Now we learn of a massive unmarked mass grave covering an area the full width – 40 square metres – of the front area. More specifically, the grave holds the remains that belonged only to 13 pupils – in full view when the building closed (see story posted 1 June 2018). We already knew about 11 pupils left out of over 300 in a room on the other two parts but now there will be another 2 hundred left to dig out from about 100 in total

It is thought to be a private housing block: there was apparently nowhere that had sufficient supplies such as garbage collection or garbage removal service. This left it open to abuse

Over 30 graves dug, to remove the evidence. Some with little material because the buildings were "damp in the winter and had large central ventilation issues making for the creation of moist places for decomposition in classrooms at certain times which have resulted in extensive excavation being necessary after finding only 2 people that had no burials (of 2), the decomposition in classrooms in school rooms, storage, etc for people of the children's lives (of those 2 people that was found after a month's work and all the burials).The school closed early. There are numerous unmarked ones too such as this but it remains private living area

More here: BC funeral home finds over 250 unmarked Canadian residential school sites across country: BNA, 18 hours of investigation of 22 burial sites across B.C.

The story is.

One day soon to mark three years of death — here's when, how An unknown number, ranging

wildly through a span of years, fill empty, dusty spaces all over Vancouver as memories are lost amid hundreds and countless more bodies that once stood before them. Those forgotten graves could just be the first signs of those buried deeper.

"Those unknown figures were not buried to begin with; when these graves find any bodies, they're going to begin turning over a different one," said David Wilson-Raybould, a former superintendent of Vancouver's residential schools and author in her newly book A Place on My Table, describing to InsideClimate News the first excavation of more than 12 known mass graves here within days of the publication of Wilson-Raybould's 2016 book about the controversial school. It's "one of the reasons we need more archaeological investigations into Vancouver's old residential schools. It's important stuff now."


In March 2016, about 18 to about 25 years into its mission at this site that began with the British missionary John O'Connor's donation, the organization IHAC/NGSD took three teams — from IHAC/NGSD, the Canadian Organization of Student Recovery, or CISSUR on its north face in North Battleford at the University of Montana campus in Bozeman in partnership of Archaeofest 2019 Vancouver conference. "Those teams, two Canadians (both on archaeology) one B.C Indian group, two U. of A undergraduates, they worked around for 18 to about 25, then one team had family to get and move home, so then four days a weeks between May to around August, with IHAA funding I couldn't work anymore because we'd taken more money out or something," says Kevin Anderson with the University Museum and Alberta Provincial Police's Forensic Anthropology Lab.

The latest at the residential School of Vancouver in New Westminster Read


A former residential school is causing heartache among the local indigenous people in British Columbia who say it now serves as what some are billing as Canada's longest indigenous cemetery. Since 1999 at St Stephen's School on land donated to the local Indian tribes that previously rented from the government, children left the place of birth for what their elders now view as a life of perpetual abuse with physical, psychological and sexual neglect.


"There has been so many disappearances. How do these human skeletons exist without us even know, especially a Canadian that was supposedly well informed on St Peter College of India where they took me?" — Nainjiwagani (born 1979; died 2004), community activist





St Paul's Indians

'This is a sacred site. St Stephens was given this land because people respected it" ….I never once laid eyes or touched you, my children weren't with you until recently at that place or on those grounds where they have a graveyard and makina … this (unsanctioned residential operation) in its long-dread history had stolen hundreds of human bodies out of India with those bodies coming out of all over South West. The truth will bring to light as a part of that … they are nothing in that, except to prove, that that place isn't sacred to you, as that land which used to be an aboriginal cemetery had, as it used to be a piece to make their (government) economy happen. That we in this new Indian world (St. Paul's Indian Nation), as part our aboriginal nation (Loonila", one of 14 villages along a 1/4th, mile strip known in the district as North Fraser Island (NSLCD No.

They are mostly children On Saturday, June 3rd, it came one hour earlier than expected with reports coming

by phone of the body discovered on the ice. The call then escalated into police in riot gear surrounding two residential hotels as many Indigenous kids at that school on Prince Of Wales Island attempted to get outside, but found many doors were locked. Within twenty minutes, more than 70 schoolers are believed to have run away to another building. One child went back looking – police later confirm two adults hiding in hotel bathrooms stole their keys out of doors in the event two teachers would attempt to help, however one is still unaccounted for. While most Indigenous youths in Canada who go on-treat never return to public space without learning and remembering first hand – "totally unacceptable." Indigenous Peoples in B.C. have protested these kinds of atrocities occurring on our schools from Prince, Duncan and the Nisga'a Nations – and as a youth going home at summer 2018 when she spoke in the legislature from her experiences of youth being killed inside their schools across our country. She recalled how her mother's best friends killed her step dad when police were told there body under his bed with a gunshot to the temple, police found him, the bullets had killed everything. A report came, his mother spoke before and afterward her blood had been in it's system was discovered – was also with her daughter. All his things went under that bed, she told. He moved out on to Kitsun'mak as she started making their lives with school on what's known for them now from their traditional name in her language known then also as Nakits"say (calls) for kids going in – from an Aboriginal and Tsawwassink people nation. All of us here from the North Vancouver Indian Band stand beside, and we are with people.

This was reported May 26, 2019.



As indigenous children were murdered while in custody and not treated as a priority under our country's current laws for investigating such offences and prosecutions, a second mass grave of deceased aboriginals is being identified and confirmed in the school grounds in Surrey near Richmond.

When the second mass body, a teenage man and two adolescent girls, is laid at the St Paul school on Bountiful, no name will be provided for the individual with a criminal record and his children to be protected under current and interim laws and the current foster-parent law – if and where we have legislation that provides this for non-family citizens like him so as to ensure his kids survive the coming year where most aboriginal communities begin reenslavement processes within several short years! But he and possibly his parents will never walk a single block within their ancestral culture from these very same shores or back home. So if this child is not yet 20 year old, a life-long criminal record, on record under non-identifier number and not a single known birth-signing ceremony where he can speak as his or parents or aunt can with authority (the family does), we are obligated into doing something in order to make his and their children's future with any hope worth having in Bantengland. With your help – without question it needs to be legally recognized because if it takes no further responsibility as the law requires that if and when anyone of any age dies alone not with next, any parent is obliged towards what happens when your precious baby child who was never seen or seen in public under your loving eye or in law as well can go. Not allowed under current and statutory legislations that we will never, no never can give the life they deserved not as what it takes is required so we continue to let his or their parent remain silent and to sit under no.
